Who's your favorite character

what’s your favorite character

  • Dr. Loomis
  • Laurie Strode
  • Jamie Lloyd
  • Tommy Doyle
  • Tina
  • Sheriff Brackett
  • Sheriff Meeker
0 voters

Out of all the characters in the halloween frachise who do you like the best

Dr. Loomis has no competition, well, except for maybe Tina… :laughing:

where’s Michael on the list? :laughing:

i decided not to put michael on the list because i knew everyone would pick him including me :mrgreen:

If it had not been for Loomis, I may have died of complete fear watching H1 and H2!! Seriously, he was the only reason I didn’t freak out!! Those first two movies were and are so scary.

Loomis, by far

Definately Loomis,Halloween wouldnt be what it is today without Donald Pleasance

Wheres Bucky???

Laurie Strode. :drinkers:

Who the hell voted for Tina?




The worst character in the worst of the halloween sequels

I dunno man them cops where pretty retarted

Loomis by far…

LESTER :wink:

Don’t see his name in there. :confused:

Well, since Cookie Woman is not an option, I picked Loomis. :sunglasses: :mrgreen:

Donald Pleasance as Loomis…no competition!!

Exactly. Malcolm McDowell was god-awful.

Has to be Loomis!


Donald Pleasence Loomis. :sunglasses:

I don’t see Bucky or Mr. Elrod on the list.