why H20 works even though it ignores 4 thru 6

heres a topic i dont hear much. I know H20 ignored parts 4 5 and 6, but i think it still works so well as a Halloween film. Unlike the other films, well part 4 kinda retained this, but H20 brought back alot of the classic feel and look, and it brought life back to the shape as I remembered him from my youth. IMO Michael was turned into jason or leatherface after part 2, made bulkyer and turned into your steryotipical slasher. But h20 had that silent stalking slim shape that I remembered back in the day. The mask even kept that classic similarity with exception of the spikey hair (wich I loved). I also fully enjoyed that laurie was back, they brought more depth into her character, and it was refreshing to see one without Loomis. Some might disagree but he became a bit of an anti hero after part 2, and they overused him. The addition of marion wittington was welcomed as well, and made for a nice replacement for loomis in the beginning. The use of the niece/nephew theme was welcomed but i think H20 did a better job at it than parts 4, 5 and 6. The movie itself was very fun to watch and much more classic and believable than the previous films. IMO it was and is the best sequal since part 2, and makes for a great sequal. Just thought id do a review for it, im bored. if anyone else has any comments please feel free!

I like H20 alot too man. I just wish they would have stuck with the Stan Winston mask for the whole movie. The other one made me laugh! Looked like a teen-age Myers imo :laughing: And I also agree that it’s much cooler seeing him as a regular size dude rather then a giant Jason type. I never got why they did that? Make’s absolutley no sense to me. Why fool with something so cool that worked well in H1 and H2?
Jay Muzz :smiley:

one of the things I disliked about H20 was the music. It was way too much like the score for Scream.
Also, if I remember right, the DVD case said that there was a DVD commentary from Steve Miner that was never at all on the disc.
By the by, I got to meet Steve Miner in person when I worked on Dawson’s Creek.
Yeah, that’s right.
Mr. Friday the 13th and H20 directed episodes of Dawson’s Creek.
It’s enough to make Jason cry.

I had high hopes for H20 and duped by Halloween resurrection

Why? Because Hollywood in it’s vast retarded wisdom and failed attempt at a reboot/fresh start decided to not only kill 3 movies in the series( H6 has decisively split fans ) and turn what was suspense filled and scary into a generic unoriginal carbon copy of all the other stupid movies that ran rampant in the early 90’s before and beyond filled with horrible teenage actors a la’ I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER
SCREAM, The Faculty , Urban Legend, Disturbing Behavior. My point is Hollywood thought it was being hip and with the times by casting B TV stars from their own generic sitcoms ( Dawson’s Creek ) and trying to promote Teen heart throbs at the time in Josh Harnett and what was worse dabbling in what has became the norm was hiring Rappers that weren’t relevant or were trying to climb back into a career and cast them into movies even though they couldn’t act either.

That was my problem with H20 right from the hop. Said aside not really having a explanation why Michael just 1 day decided to show up and want to find his sister 20yrs after being totally off the radar. Or Halloween Resurrection doing a even worse job in not even deciding to make sense in the script like after they found out who Lauri Strode(Keri Tate)was wouldn’t it be conceivable even if they didn’t know her back ground which clearly in the movie they say they found out her situation all what occurred to her you think there would be lenience for what she endured? Or explain where her son is or her the man she had her son with ( original H2 ) Or not even follow up with the town or Hospital Michael decide to going on a killing spree. Or was that the dry part where Michael hands the knife to that fat guy that clearly is not capable or in the right mind set to kill people in that retard in the mental hospital ?

I hated both the masks were cool but that was it. And i wish they would explain the mask change or how Michael miraculous ends up with a white mask similar to the others he has worn a mask placed in they movies own mythology of a serial killer

I like H20… in fact i might watch it tonight.

They should’ve used one mask all the way. The cameraman basically sucks :angry: He doesn’t know how to film Myers like Cundey.
The Stan Winston replicas everybody posts look much better than what is shown on screen. The lighting and too much exposure of the mask made the Shape look extremely silly on film.
They should have stayed with the music the composer originally composed for the film. The final soundtrack is too friendly with no suspense at all.
My rating- :slight_smile: :neutral_face: :frowning:…It could have been better

Yeah, I agree, but I hate when people say that LL cool j ruined H20, cause he’s not that bad of an actor!! Way better than busta!! LOL

no LL cool J didnt ruin the movie but in my opinion he certainly didnt help it either. it had too many things i disliked about it besides the rapper however that ensured that they would be looking to hire another rapper for the next film which was disasterous. again the mask looked stupid, like mr. croft stated kinda looked like a teen age myers :laughing: ,
and the film had too much of a mainstream hollywood feel to it all the way around.
say what one will about RZ Halloweens but al least their not cookie cutter, mainstream Halloweens casted with the latest popular rapper and a soundtrack consisting of current pop chart hits.

The DVD had the silly Creed music video as part of the extras…
Not bashing Creed fans. Modern rock music just doesn’t seem to go with Halloween.
For extras they should have added more behind the scenes or unused scenes of the KNB mask.
If they had enough money to pay for a hip band to sing the end titles they should have gone back to reshoot the CGI scene with the Winston.
Dimension wants to make money…They should know better than that :neutral_face:

Good points everyone! Lot’s of pros and cons. I still feel like it’s a worthy entry. I especially like the showdown between Laurie and Michael in the school at the end. And LL didn’t ruin it for me at all. He wasn’t acting the part of a rapper in the film. I really like the opening scene too!
Jay :rock:

i think if they really got creative they could have connected 4-6 in their if they wanted to.
now heres how i think it happened at the end of h6 michael was looking for tommy and steven (jamie’s baby)
and he went to the nurses house and while looking for any info on them he discovered that his sister was still
alive and desided to go after her instead i think this, a good mask and better music and lighting would have made
H20 a great halloween entre but i still like it as is so ill give it 3 1/2 stars.

I love H2O!!! I thought it was the best idea to get away from the Thorn stuff, it had just become too silly. Although, after watching H6 last night, I realized that H6 is the only movie that actually feels like it takes place on October 31st.


I actually thought the Creed song worked. Maybe it’s because I’m a big fan or maybe it’s because I’m used to the song being there, but it seems fitting to me. It reminds me of Laurie, in a way.

But anyway, I love H20. I really appreciate that the movie’s focus is on characters and suspense rather than gore. Think about it…Mike kills six people, but only three are on-screen. That’s refreshing after the kill-a-thons that were 2, 4, 5, and 6. Perfect ending, too.

I loved H2O!Alot of people i know said that it was corny and that it was retarted.I don’t think so at all.The only two Halloween films that i didn’t like were Halloween 3 and Halloween resurrection.

I really enjoyed the Thorn stuff - it actually tried to make a coherent connection to why Michael came to be and why he initially stabbed his sister. The Thorn cult influencing Michael from the very 1st movie the women that babysit Michale as a boy. The old woman Minnie (Mrs. Blankenship) some rumor also it was Minnie that didn’t answer the door for Laurie when she was kicking at it screaming for help and the lights got turned out towards the end of the movie when Michael was chasing her. And it sounds plausible in retrospect

It also puts in perceptive Dr. Terence Wynn’s character of how submissive he was in H1 on Loomis going after Michael and again in H2 when Wynn( head of Board of Directors of the Hospital ) sent Nurse Jill Franco and a Sheriff to bring back Loomis and not get further involved. Later tying on in Halloween 6 ( both versions) that Wynn was the head of the Cult of Thorn and had been watching over Michael all this time.To me that made perfect sense when you think about it.

Also HALLOWEEN 6 hearkens in the last of the 80’s / early 90’s Horror feeling. :frowning: man i miss those kinds of flicks - who they were filmed, the cheesy acting the wicked kills that were sometime laughable but yet still scary.

And also it was Moustapha Akkad last run in that series before he passed :frowning:
not to mention Donald Pleasence last role as Loomis before dying as well :frowning:

Halloween 6 ushered in the end of an era for Halloween films IMO and has much to be remember by pro or con

All the above is another reason why H20 sucked and Halloween: Resurrection blew !

Man what are you talking about?..H20 friggin’ ROCKS. And the Winston mask is my favorite Myers mask past H2. :supz:

Yeah H20 and Resurrection rocks if your into flavor of the month Teens lambasted all over both flicks. LL cool J, Lyrical Busta Rhymes, Tyra Banks
and the butchering and alienating of The Return of Michael Myers, The Revenge of Michael Myers and Curse of Michael Myers. I mean they excluded all of those films in lew of those 2 crap fest films.

Way to pay homage and continuity. I would take the Jamie Strode, Michaels return, loomis’s last few showings and finally closure on the man in blackover those 2 train wreck movies. Don’t get me wrong I’m not dissing your taste or trying to convince you other wise, each to their own. It’s a safe bet to say the fan base is either split subject or the jury is still out on making a decision on the matter as a fanbase as a whole. I personally was let down on all levels especially Resurrection. And only watched the 2nd installment after H2O cause I’m a loyal fan of the Myers Mythos. After those 2 poorly done movies in casting and storyline - in my world those 2 don’t exist and 4 , 5 and 6 still strive on waiting for a true number 7 in the series. Just please don’t get me started on Rob Zombies - Myers House of 1000 Satanist LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god…H20!

I will now only watch…

Halloween 1978
Halloween II 1981
Halloween III 1982
and the refreshing sequel to the horrible remake, Halloween II 2009. (I really liked this one! Flame away!)

Halloween 4 thru Halloween 2007 should be taken out and burned and maybe after awhile we’ll forget about the glow they gave off. Bad, horrible movies.

Serious , Magnum?

HALLOWEEN 4 kicked off the series again in my books revamped the mythology/HAlloween movies and made people and a whole new generation fear and respect Michael Myers again some for the first time.

You can’t honestly say when you first seen this way back in 1988 -when it came out- that you hated it. If you or anybody says this I’m gonna say are a dam liar. If your judging from what you know now that fine but other than that MO sticks. When so many pissed and moaned back than when there was no internet or forums word of mouth how Halloween 3 didn’t have no Michael and anything to do with Myers! I never seen RZ H2 remake so i can’t judge that but once again because I’m a fan of Myers flicks i will see it. When i was close to 13, Halloween 4:The Return of Michael Myers was big in my generation of Horror flicks as was Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI and Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood along with CHUCKY , They Live .the FRIGHT Nights movies Night mare on Elm Street and the Texas Chain Saw movies ( as corny as some of them were!).And just remember Hellraiser had just come out the year prior to Halloween 4. All I’m saying is the 1980’s and early 1990’s ruled when it came to HORROR. And for me if it wasn’t for Halloween4, 5 and 6. I would never have known and come to love Michael Myers or the HALLOWEEN movies. Most in part i was to young to watch the first HALLOWEEN or the sequel.

Although i did see some scary sequences one year when I was 7 or 8 while trick or treating and the lady had me wait in her darkened porch while my mother waited outside in the car and i had a view of the creepy dark living room and their TV and saw the part where Michael escapes from from the hospital and smashes the window with his hand and drives away. That scared the be jesus out of me. And didn’t know what the movie was until i seen the first HALLOWEEN when i was 15(yrs after H4 ) and remembered that part when i was a kid that scary image is stamped my brain 4 life LOL

As for H20 to me it’s equivalently bad to and mirror images of what happened when Jason movies starting running their course and Hollywood presented us with re-branding again as the title predominate this time around FRIDAY THE 13th :JASON Go to Hell - BOO URNS!!