I’m guessing we’ll see a lot more Captain Kirk/William Shatner masks available.
and mask stands with a free mask that properly displays the Stand More Kirks would be nice too see…
list it for trade and to contact u for details
Disheartening to hear:
Just a newb’s POV here (well not really joined back in '07) then changed my username. Anyway think this whole head-hunting BS has gotten out of hand. Its basically a desperate and direct attack on the Fans and their passion and appreciation for something. No one here is making millions by any means creating art and expressing themselves in this manner. Maybe thats just it. Maybe because the powers that be can’t turn a profit & their bitterness bleeds out in this manner. Personally being an artist and seeing what I have seen still to this day being sold on ebay etc. whether it be shirts, lighters reproduction posters, clocks etc. I find it ironic that someone thinks a white latex face is completely their domain. What will be next, clown masks, butcher knives and pumpkins? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? That’s because that’s what this is. A sad day fellas and I just felt I had to salute us regardless of what happens. Derek your heart is in the right place as is ours. Its too bad at the end of long puttering out franchise - that we still support - it had to turn on its own. Regards J. Means
No NO NO That would just be immoral LOL
this topic will not last long
if you guys want to talk about it without the fear of being banned join my group
go to chat room here spaz
BLAHHHHHH I hate the chatroom here
just dont feel it ya know
Great group.The profile picture is nuts.I joined.
I think we could atleast keep a topic alive of this situation… We have the rights “AT LEAST” to say what we think!
Banned? Why? What would be the reasoning behind it? What happened too our right too free sppech that is written in the document that ties this country together (and is written in virtually every other too)? We are simply “members” of a website voiceing an opinion on the matter thats at hand this week. We are fans, collectors, and people. People that have rights. Some may say ok cool whatever, but not everyone thinks exactly the same like a bunch of robots. Anything I say does not reflect on this website, it is simply my voiced opinion on whatever subject matter is at hand and too Ban a person because they express a RIGHT that is given by law In this country would be bigitry in the spotlight center stage, but again like I said expressing my rights as a US citizen anything I say is my own personal view of the matter and may not reflect the views of the This website.
A civil discussion should be allowed.When did it become wrong to voice your opinion.
F*** it is what I say. Just post the names of the masks and pictures. I’m sure we all get the point the masks are up for trade or sale.
The point is that with this I don’t think any other Myers maker will want to makes them…
Please keep the discussion regarding the topic within this thread. Thanks. It’s obvious we won’t be able to silence this issue at this point.
Everybody I decided not to make a topic about this and decided to say it here, everyone if you can please go to the chatroom, and or join Spazez facebook,
Thanks Derek,
I think it’s the right decision to allow us to discuss this.
Now the onus is on the members to be polite, responsible, and not make derogatory comments that do no good.
Nobody is getting banned. I’m not sure where that rumor was started, but it is not the case.
In the past, these Trancas related threads ALWAYS got off track and they always got personal. This will only bring more attention from them and that could cause more trouble for the board. Is it worth it? Nope.
Please keep it civil, everyone.