Over the last few weeks I’ve been looking at all the great Michael Myers masks out there trying to figure out which one to get first and in which order I should get the rest. I knew getting into this that there would be a certain price point for the good stuff. I’m used to it and more than willing to pay for a great piece of work. My friends and family are a different story altogether. “That mask is how much?!?!” is usually the response I get followed by either “YOU’RE CRAZY!!” or “WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!”. They don’t get how much time and work goes into making one of these masks. They also don’t get how much better these masks are than anything you’re going to find in a store.
Any of you guys get this from your friends and/or families?
And to all of you mask makers out there: you guys are nothing short of amazing! Keep up the great work!
Ohh man I feel you,My family thinks im nuts,my mom thinks its a wasye of money.I just ordered a prop shop exposed mask and My family says those exact same things.I tell them that these masks are hih quality and very accurate and when I wear them on halloween people stare at me with an amazed look on their faces becouse of the mask I have.
I feel ya all the way man. I hear people say that stuff to me all the time I hear my family say its a waste of money all the time but its not true !!! just like what l33tmyers said, they dont understand how high quality these masks are!!!
Hey man, i feel that too, but here is the deal, its not thier money i tell em, its mine! I work my butt off to get all my bills paid then stash up some extra for the artists that try thier best to make everyone the best masks/props possible. The artists work thier butts off to offer us the best, we have to pay for thier work,materials, and time spent.
In this hobby, you do get what you pay for(unless you buy a licensed mask )and the value for the most part holds. Our family and friends will never understand the value they hold both in personal satisfaction and $. Thats why we all love it!!!
If need be(and this sucks)they can be resold. How much do you think your family and friends spend in alcohol/cigarette/gambling/ money? Probably more than we will spend on these masks and props in a year, and what do they have to show for it? What do we have to show for it? I know each family member and friend I have has one of these above mentioned spending problems, so get em with that, usually works all the time for me and shut them up pretty quick.
I think everyone on this forum that owns a high end mask gets this kind of stuff lol
but in the end all that matters is that you are happy and finally satisfied with the mask or masks you have
tell them to think of it like a suit
you can look good in a cheap suit
but you would look much better in an expensive one because it uses better fabric and what not
plus mask are a good investment , they can be resold for more in 10 or less for alot more than you paid because they might be harder to come by
I feel for ya bruddah!
When I first started collecting, my friends and family thought I was NUTS!!!
Everyone has something that they are “into”… Some collect baseball cards, some do decorative arts and crafts!
Hell, my fiance’ collects Curious George stuff!
What it all comes down to is, if it makes you happy, DO IT !!!
It don’t matter what anyone thinks about YOUR hobby, it’s Yours… don’t let them take that away from you!
My fiance’ was Sketchy about my “HOBBY” at first, but I explained to her that a classic horror movie
such as Halloween, should be celebrated and rejoiced! By “collecting” as many accurate Myers Masks as I can,
I am showing my appreciation to a movie which made a huge impact on my life!
It’s not a horror mask collection, it’s a Movie Memorbilia collection!
P.S. I’m still trying to figure out how I can turn one of her Curious George dolls into a “Curious Mikey”
We makers do spend alot of man hours working on your masks, alot of the makers here are like me…1 man show! Each mask I paint and detail are done with my own two hands. Now, granted my wife helps me hair them to speed things up, but still, we work 40hr a week jobs and do the masks 48 hrs a week not sleeping working tirelessly to make your Halloween or your collection something special. We stop nothing short of perfect, and i strive for your happiness. Is it all worth it?? ABSOLUTELY!! I would not have it any other way.
But yes, just like anyone coming to do any work on your house or you take your car to the shop to get worked on, you pay for labor and in this case it’s labor/art.
I think you had a very good post and some people who arent into this sort of thing, just cannot understand. I’m sure there are certain things your parents are really into that they just gotta have…find out what they spent I’m sure you can argue the same point they argue with you.
i hear ya. Back when i first started collecting thats all id hear from my family and friends. As i bought more masks, they kind of gave up on telling me what they thought of how much id pay for masks lol!
You see, the “average” person does not have the ability to open their mind. Your friends and family can’t comprehend the perspective from your side, just like mine… All they see is dollar signs and a mask in the end… It’s sad they won’t put themselves in our shoes. This really applies to any hobby; if it’s what you’re into, it’s your thing, and if people are too naive to bother understanding something you’re into, what kind of person are they? Someone close should at least try to understand and respect your passions.
Evvvvvvvery year, I explain about the masks, how’s it’s a hobby, a passion, and that artists are putting months/years of work into their designs and productions… and that’s why this forum is here!! We “get it”! We rule
My neighbor just went out to a spa and had highlights done and me nails, massage, spa the whole deal cost over $300 whats the difference, NOTHING, thats what she likes. She works for the money and spends it accordingly.
My whole life I’ve been hearing the same thing. My wife thankfully is supportive for the most part. But until her everyone spoke down to me about spending so much on things that I love.
Get this from my parents every time I want to order a mask using my debit card and my hard earned cash. They think it’s a complete waste of money and that it’s a “phase I’ll grow out of and then be stuck with a bunch of stupid, ugly masks” (their words). I’m 21, I’m responsible, and they’re not going to turn me into Jeffrey Dalmer. I honestly don’t see the big deal behind them but my parents want me to spend my money on “nice shirts”, which I currently have a surplus off (I do need some new jeans, though). The other night I used the last of my Christmas money which my parents told me to “buy myself anything I wanted with”, to purchase a Psychopath Revolver… and my parent’s flipped shit like they do every time except this time they said “You spend how much on a stupid Michael Myers mask?!” They calmed down when I told them how much the REALLY nice stuff sells for, but I can tell they were still steaming by the end of the night.
At this time I’m not even going to say how much, let’s just say I’ve got a pretty nice order lined up which I hope to be the best of the best, end all of end all myers masks. I too keep it a secret, as long as wife and kids are taken care of first, and I don’t buy several a year, except this year prob went a lil over with sequel masks, but I’m in for a long wait on this next order, but already drooling!!!
Im 21 and get this all the time from my family! My mum understands a bit due to her being a huge halloween fan herself, however she still don’t agree with how much I’m willing to spend lol!
Its funny though because the first mask I brought was the TOTS H2 which shipped to the uk only cost like $70… And they even thought that was alot to spend lol!
So you can you imagine there reaction when they knew how much my NHK H1 ( which was $320 shipped ) cost lol! And then about two months later when I told them Id ordered the H2 aswell haha! Little do they know I’m also on the preorder list for nicks new ‘HALLOWEENMAN’ sculpt lol!
But like alot of people have said… It’s my money , I work damn hard for it, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke… So if I want to spend $320 on a mask then guess what… I’m gonna do it haha!
Guys I just got a PM today letting me know that it’s not ok to “bump up” old threads from the past. Even though I only half-agree with it, I had to share it just so you guys know.
I got a PM as well, and while I’ll abide by it, this thread was recently bumped. Are we not allowed to contribute to a thread once it’s already been bumped? Also, how recent does it have to be to be bumpable? 2nd page or third page okay?