H6 mask comparisons. (Picture intensive)

I’ll correct my Hardin mistake. It looked quite different from Michaelantern’s copy, so I just wrongly assumed, I guess it’s the flatter white finish that doesn’t bring out the detail as well in that light. The original three are supposed to be larger masks like the v.2 and the v.1’s smaller, but that’s difficult to tell from pics as well.

Thanks for the pics though. Are your two Curses actually far apart in terms of detail in the latex, or is it just the finish that makes it seem that way?

The original three BH’s were just as small as the SSN SIX and I assume the V1’S. When I was hunting down my copy a few years back I heard the same rumor, “the original three were larger.” They’re not, I think someone out there just has a small head. They’re all the same size as the SIX and later BH copies, tiny. Great mask though. I wish the later large ones looked as perfect.

Ha, glad you noticed that about the SSN Curses. One is incredibly smooth like the opening scene in H20 and the other has ton of detail in the sculpt like the NO 6. It’s not the paint job at all. If you look at the old copies in the gallery, you’ll see the same differences in other copies. That’s why I had to have one of each. Either totally smooth or tons of detail, I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe somebody who was around ten years ago with a good memory could chime in.

Thanks for the info, seems there was a lot of variation in pulls from certain mask maskers.

Bumping cause this thread is awesome

Those are not the same mask dude. 3rd, 6th and 8th pics are the same mask owned by Darren Hughes, 4th third mask from left, 5th and 7th not the same as Darrens.

Just thought id post this here since you don’t have a lot of pics of a Thorned V1. This is my copy which I may be biased in saying is the best copy that i’ve seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E69_afEqtEw

I’ve been searching forever for a LEGIT looking H6 mask, but I’ve never found one. I own an H30 Thorned mask, but I’m not really happy with it (in terms of it doesn’t really look that close to what’s seen in the movie). There’s just something about the Hero H6 masks that nobody has been able to recapture in its entirety. I will hold out hope that someday we’ll get one, though I won’t be surprised if we never do.

For example, you see the left eye of this screen used mask (the right eye if you’re look at the picture):

The eye isn’t an oval or a circle. It has it’s own unique shape. Well, NOBODY has ever been able to replicate this eye shape (that I’ve ever seen) and it always bothers me. The eyes are always too round. That’s just one example of how people never get it right. Another example would be the hair. The hair NEVER looks right on recreated masks. The hairline is never the same.

Personally, I want an exact replica of the T-Cut reshoots mask, in every detail, as seen in the pic above. That’s my ideal H6 mask.