Halloween 2018: Jamie Lee Curtis Returns

I for one want to not only see JLC’s character die, but Michael being killed for good too, that way they both win and you can’t bring him back, it would definitely be 40 years later though, I also hope this movie uses no CGI and relies on the basics, most of the budget being used on the technical side for cameras, editing software, etc. With the story, it should also have the realism form of “What you don’t see can really scare you” the score is also another thing, while the original theme is great, I would love to hear it played on an organ, then include new tracks that are played on a water phone, those can really send chills up the spine and have you on edge, rather than jump scares.

You’re exactly right…and even when conditions are not perfect the leaves are still beautiful, just short lived. The best part about shooting in SC is the older, small towns that remind me of H1 Haddonfield.

i’m probably the only one who’s not too thrilled she’s coming back.

Does anyone know what the mask Michael is wearing in the photo is? Is it a mask made for the film or is it a fan made mask?

I’ve been away for a while. Fill me in. Is John Carpenter directing this film?

John Carpenter is producing it, and he said he could possibly do the music as well. And the release date is when it comes out.

So im confused, what will be the plot of the new 2018 Halloween movie? Will it be in the hospital or will it take place after the hospital blows up?

There’s nothing confirmed yet, but my understanding is that it will ignore every Halloween movie that released after the original, including H2, and will take place in the modern day, 40 years after the original.

I honestly don’t see the point in ending the franchise for good with just one film 40 years later and kill Myers now should they not make another couple of films out of it. And it is just about too late at all to kill “him” off now because of all the attemps. I always thought the only way for it to end would be for Laurie to die, and/or have the Boogeyman vanish and never appearing again once his goal is fulfilled, or end it completely like the original clueless of where he is or if he’ll return/having him just gone away again even if his goal was not finished.

I can see why Carpenter didn’t want to make any sequels.

Adding a motive to Michael’s madness makes it less scary.

The whole kill your family thing makes us the viewers feel safe since well, we’re not related to him

I’d like to see it be vague again and random killings without any “reason” behind it. Just a psychopath being a psychopath. No ones safe. No one knows where he is and going

Exactly, same here :myers:

Danny McBride just confirmed that the new film will take place after Halloween 2(1981) and is ignoring everything after that

Story=40 years later and she will have a daughter instead of a son.

What if it were a dream scene of Loomis talking over what Laurie is dreaming about. Maybe something that loomis told her at one point about michael… I don’t think that would ruin it.

Sounds like H20 all over again. I hope I’m wrong.

Maybe it’ll be Laurie with schizophrenia, being Michael and doing all the killing without knowing it.

Me personally I’d like it to be a sequel to H1 and make every sequel including H2 non canon so we’re not bound by the Laurie and Michael are siblings thing. If the plan is to kill Michael off for good I don’t know how you would go about doing that as he appeared to be killed off for good in H2 and H20. Also if this is set in 2018 that makes Michael 61 years old

I was hoping it would have been set in the late 70s/ early 80s. I hope they make a good film but I’m becoming a bit skeptical. Like others have said it sounds a bit too much like H2O. Carpenter’s original concept for Halloween 4 should have been used for this film.


40 years later Michael will be 61, almost time to retire and collect social security, lol

What lies behind those eyes is pure EVIL!
Evil doesn’t age.